facts, rumors and speculations about Imint AB


400 words 2 minutes

This site is dedicated to publish articles with facts, rumors and speculations about Imint AB.

The site and its content is written by independent shareholders and outside spectators. It has no affiliation to, endorsement from or any other ties to the company Imint. The opinions expressed are those of the respective authors and do not represent the company Imint.

Discuss Imint

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Contribution in the form of ideas, research, proof reeding, feedback and also full articles are encouraged and most welcome. All content changes will pass through a review process. The content of the site is managed using GitHub. To participate in that process you will need use a GitHub account.

Suggesting a change to an existing article

To suggest a change to an existing article go to that articles source file in GitHub, select the file and click on the pencil symbol in the right corner and do the changes you are proposing. You then create a so called pull request by filling out comment field in the bottom and selecting the Create a new branch ... option and press Commit changes.

Suggesting a topic for a new article

To suggest a topic for a new article you create a new issue here. Issues can also be used to suggest other changes.

Creating a new article

In order to create a new article go here and select “Create new file” button. Start the name with current date in the following format YYYYmmdd followed by a dash and the articles name in all lower case and with spaces replaced by dashes. Don’t use any sign outside of a-z in the name. Start editing by adding the following meta data to your new article:

date: 2017-09-06T20:24:00+02:00
tags: [tag-name]
title: Title of the article
author: Author Name

Start writing your article. When you’re done write a commit message in the bottom part of the window and select Create a new branch ... option and press the button Commit new file. That will start the review process.